
Argoz Consultants

Empresa - Financial

Madrid (Madrid) España

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Company Description

ARGOZ Consultants is a payments consulting firm that excels in optimizing scheme costs, interchange fees, and discount rates for both issuers and acquirers, delivering up to 15% savings on scheme costs and other related expenses. Our dual approach combines expert consulting services with comprehensive cost analysis and customized optimization strategies, alongside AI-driven software solutions for real-time tracking and in-depth analytics. With a track record of collaborating with over 200 entities across 30 countries, we convert complex financial data into actionable insights, enhancing efficiency and profitability. Partner with ARGOZ to achieve substantial cost savings and improve your financial performance.

Services Provided: 
  • Scheme Cost Reduction: Brand Scheme cost optimisation for issuers and acquirers with up to 15% savings.
  • Revenue Assurance: Merchants’ Revenue analysis from transactional detail
  • Interchange Fee Optimisation: Our Interchange Fee Optimization service offers a strategic analysis of issuer interchange structures to identify optimization opportunities.

Our Solutions: 

What services does ARGOZ Consultants offer?
ARGOZ Consultants specializes in optimizing scheme costs, interchange fees, and discount rates for financial institutions, including issuers and acquirers. We provide expert consulting services and AI-powered SaaS tools that deliver comprehensive cost analysis, real-time tracking, and actionable insights to help our clients achieve substantial savings and enhance profitability.

How does ARGOZ help financial institutions reduce costs?
ARGOZ uses advanced data analytics and machine learning to examine scheme invoices and uncover cost-saving opportunities. Our flagship software, SAVVY, can reduce Visa and Mastercard fees by up to 15% by automating the analysis of billing events and offering actionable insights for cost optimization.

What challenges do ARGOZ's solutions address?
ARGOZ tackles several key issues for financial institutions, including the complexity and opacity of scheme billing, inefficient resource use, and challenges in understanding business profitability. Additionally, we help manage the complexities arising from various factors involved in interchange fees and discount rates, ensuring institutions avoid profitability leakages. Our solutions simplify invoice analysis and transactional data, optimize transaction-related fees, and provide clear, actionable insights for better strategic decision-making.

Who can benefit from ARGOZ's services?
Financial institutions, including banks, fintech companies, and card issuers with a large volume of credit card transactions, can benefit from ARGOZ's services. We focus on entities aiming to optimize their scheme costs and improve profitability through efficient cost management and strategic consulting.

Finanzas, empresas

ARGOZ Consultants, S.L.

Encuentranos en:

Av. de Manoteras, 38, Hortaleza,
Madrid (Madrid) España



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