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4th Interreg SUDOE Call

Interreg Sudoe

Open call for axes 1 and 5 of the Program, will have a total budget of 12.9 million euros

Hasta el viernes, 25 de octubre de 2019 a las 23:59

The fourth Interreg SUDOE Call for Proposals is now open:

Phase 1. This call will finance projects that serve to improve innovation capabilities for smart and sustainable growth and, on the other hand, for environmental protection and efficient resource management.

This call, open for axes 1 and 5 of the Program, will have a total budget of 12.9 million euros. Today we want to remember the different tools and activities that will be developed in the coming months to accompany them in their candidacies.

The first phase of the second call will be open from October 7 to 25, 2019, both included. During the latter, the project promoters must submit their application until October 25 before 12:00:00 hours (UTC +2), through the eSudoe computer application, where you will find all the official forms to fill out.

The beneficiaries of this call for projects can be: Public organisms;
Public Law Bodies; Private non-profit entities;

Private entities for profit and / or companies.

These candidacies will be built by the National Authorities and the Joint Secretariat being the subject of a first selection made by the Programming Committee on the basis of the eligibility criteria and selection of the first phase.


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