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NFT Show Europe

NFT Show Europe

Principal destino europeo para los líderes de blockchain y web3

Comienzo: el miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2024 a las 10:00
Finaliza: el jueves, 24 de octubre de 2024 a las 19:30


Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias

Av. del Professor López Piñero, 7

Valencia (Valencia)

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Más información e inscripciones

NFT Show Europe is the leading European meeting point for web3, digital art, blockchain and metaverse experts. A multi-sensory experience that mesmerizes visitors with a world of experimental and interactive art and creates the perfect setting to connect with the community.

At NFT Show Europe, we bring together the brightest minds and most influential voices under one roof.

During NTF SHOW EUROPE you will be able to attend:

  • Conferences: Crypto community leaders, NFT digital artists and investors will share their insight and expertise.
  • Meetings: During a weekend, the city of Valencia becomes a meeting point for the cryptocurrency, NFT, digital art and software community.
  • Workshops: Answering real questions here. Cryptoinvestment strategies, NFT markets and much more.
  • Tech Show: The fusion of artificial intelligence, art and technology translated into a visual spectacle that awakens all your senses.
  • Experience Room: Visitors will be drawn into a world of experimental and interactive art, immersive experiences and virtual reality.
  • Soundtrack: Awakening your senses is one of the objectives of the journey to #NFTSE24. Throughout the weekend renowned DJs will enhance the event with unique performances. 


  • Web3,
  • digital art,
  • blockchain
  • and metaverse.                                                                     

AIMED AT: people interested and experts in the topics of the event.

OBJECTIVE: the main objective is to foster international collaboration among participants to help you meet the right people, find the right companies and visit the right places.

PROGRAM: (to be defined).

DATE AND TIME: October 23rd AND 24th, 2024 from 10:30 am to 6:30 pm.

VENUE: City of Arts and Sciences (Valencia).

PARTICIPATION: if you want to participate in the NFT Show Europe as a Speaker or Sponsor, two data collection forms are available

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