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BLUE ECONOMY sectors skills analysis

Webinar Economía azul

Understanding skills challenges and opportunities in the EU blue Economy Sectors across European regions - 11 June 2024

el martes, 11 de junio de 2024 de 10:00 a 13:30

Webinar BLUE ECONOMY SECTORS SKILLS ANALYSIS: Understanding skills challenges and opportunities in the EU blue Economy Sectors across European regions - 11 June 2024

In light of UNESCO’s World Oceans Day (08 June), EARLALL invites you to deep-dive into skills challenges and opportunities that the EU Blue Economy Sectors are facing across EU Regions in a new skills analysis webinar on 11 June 2024. In the context of EARLALL’s Working Group on Skills and Labour Market activities, the EARLALL network is organising a series of skills analysis discussions to understand the situation in different economic sectors that are key for the development of EU regions while meeting the twin transition goals. The EU Blue Economy Sectors webinar is following the Agriculture (02 February 2024), and Care Sector (18 April 2024) skills sectors analysis. Then one more webinar is planned on the Textile area (Autumn 2024). 

10h00: Welcome and introductory remarks | Òscar Palazón, Regional Ministry of Education, Catalonia & EARLALL WG Skills and Labour Market leader

10h10: Session 1 |  EU initiatives supporting the development of blue skills,  Arturo Incerti, Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Unit A1: Maritime Innovation, Marine Knowledge and Investment, European Commission

10h20: Session 2 | Regional examples: Advancing the EU Blue Economy Sectors skills and careers: challenges and opportunities

  • Simon Geldof, Teacher of nautical techniques at GO! Maritime Institute Mercator Ostend(Flanders Region)
  • Mª Asunción Morán Torío, Teacher at the VET Center “CIFP del Mar” (Asturias Region)
  • Barbara Irene Harterink, Senior adviser - Vestland County Council (Norway)
  • Philippe Thieffry, Energies Marines Renouvelables / Coordination Bretagne Ocean Power (Brittany Innovation Development) and Alain Pomes  Director of the Centre Européen Formation Continue Maritime (Brittany)

11h20: The floor is yours: Q&A session

11h25: Concluding remarks

11:30: Closure

DATE AND TIME:  webinar on 11 June 2024 Online

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