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Call for Partnerships: Become an EIC Partner


Hasta el miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2022 a las 23:59

The European Innovation Council (EIC) is announcing the second cut-off date for its Call for Partnerships under the EIC Ecosystem Partnerships and Co-investment Support Programme.

With more than 210 applications received so far and the results of the first selection process soon to be announced, the EIC is once again inviting ecosystem organizations to apply for its Call for Partnerships.

This Call for Partnerships is running under the EIC Ecosystem Partnerships and Co-Investment Support programme, which is part of the EIC Business Acceleration Services.


Accelerators, incubators, research and technology institutions and other European Innovation Ecosystem organisations, are invited to apply before 14 December 2022. Don’t miss this chance to target your services at EIC startups and projects and gain access to a vibrant community of innovators and technologies!


This is an opportunity for interested stakeholders to provide EIC beneficiaries with tailor-made offers and business acceleration services. EIC Partners will gain access to the almost 7000 companies in the EIC Community, which span a wide range of fields and innovation areas and target different regions of Europe and associated countries. By helping the EIC in its mission to spread excellence in the European innovation ecosystem, the EIC Partners will also boost their visibility and take part in networking and community-building events.

The EIC is looking for:

  • Private venture builders, accelerators and incubators.
  • Public regional or national innovation organisations or accelerators.
  • Technology parks, research infrastructures and other research and technology organisations.
  • Other service providers and corporate accelerators.

What's in it for you?

Becoming an EIC Partner will be an opportunity to:

  • Gain direct access to a community of quality-stamped technologies from across Europe, active in a variety of innovation areas.
  • Venture into deals with new, up-and-coming innovative start-ups and SMEs.
  • Pilot and promote your services to EIC-funded projects.
  • Raise your organisation’s visibility on a European level and nurture connections with the EIC.  
  • Be on the frontline as a participant in EU-funded programmes with a reputation as a facilitator in the European innovation ecosystem.

DEADLINE: 14 de diciembre de 2022


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